WomenTech Educators Online Bootcamp 2024
Hosted by IWITTS | Attend with other schools!December 5 & 6 Recruitment & December 9 & 10 Retention (half-days)*Training Enrollment is Closed*
Register by October for a *bonus* customized job placement spreadsheet.
The most comprehensive program for recruiting and retaining women and girls in STEM Career Pathways (while also improving male enrollment and retention).
WomenTech Educators Online Bootcamp is for educators committed to recruiting more women to STEM…
You’re committed to recruiting more women to your STEM programs, but aren’t sure how to do it most effectively. Maybe you’ve tried one or two strategies, but they didn’t work. You’d be very happy to have a class with 50% female students, but that seems way out of reach..
Are you…
An educator in a STEM Program with very few female students (and you want to have a system to enrolling them)
A Principal Investigator of a Grant with gender equity requirements (requirements you aren’t sure how to meet)
A Program Coordinator who wants to increase the number of women in nontraditional career pathways
…then you’re in the right place!
The WomenTech Educators Online Bootcamp gives you the tools, inspiration, and unparalleled support on your journey to boosting female enrollment and retention in your STEM programs.
…Now I’ll prove it! (Keep scrolling, to see the proof).
By the end of the program you will have…
A Team of Key Stakeholders Supporting You
Your team will be involved in creating the Recruitment & Retention Plans and will have “to do” assignments so you don’t have to do it all yourself.
A Robust Recruitment Plan That Will Work in One-year or Less
You develop this targeted recruitment plan in the training itself, from a Plan template that you customize to your school and career pathway.
A Robust Retention Plan
Your retention plan will work to improve retention of both female and male students. Why? Because many of the strategies take place in the classroom. (Multiple schools have increased retention from 50% to 100% completion.)
A System in Place to Recruit Women Each Semester
so that you can simply create the V2 version of your female-focused recruitment campaign with great ease.
Partnerships for Pipeline Sources of Students
so that you don’t have to recruit your female students one-by-one, and your internal and external partners can do the recruiting for you.
Outreach Materials that Influence Women
and girls to explore STEM careers. These female-focused materials, include flyers, emails, social media posts and an event landing page.
But above all else…
The WomenTech Educators Online Bootcamp will give you the knowledge and confidence to finally start recruiting women to your STEM Programs and prevent them from dropping out.
Source: Participants in WomenTech Educators Training. External evaluator's report to the National Science Foundation for the CalWomenTech Scale-Up Project.
The training was time well spent. It was such a minimal amount of time to get so many concrete implementable strategies. The WomenTech Educators Online Training gives you the most for your money—you can implement the tools immediately with minimal resources and see true quantitative results!"
- Phyllis Baca, Director of STEM Initiatives, Santa Fe Community College, Santa Fe, NM
Here’s what you get when you enroll during this limited time period:
16 hours of Live Online Bootcamp (4 workshops)
showing you literally EVERYTHING you
need to enroll women in your STEM programs AND make sure they are retained.
Support for Implementation
Including live coaching calls, email support, and guides for planning a female-focused Meet & Greet and how to write copy that converts.
Examples of Outreach Materials that are proven
so you don’t have to reinvent the wheel when you develop your own female-focused Women-in-STEM recruitment campaign.
WomenTech Data Dashboard
which provides measurable results before and after training.
Why YOU deserve to have the support of the WomenTech Bootcamp…
It’s not easy to attract women to career pathways that can be downright unfriendly towards them at times. Cybersecurity, Automotive and Manufacturing Technology, and others have been called out by recent business reports that show they’re often not welcoming to women, although they provide great career opportunities. The WomenTech Bootcamp will show you how to overcome this challenge and set women up for success in these fields.
You Will Learn:
Females in STEM: Key Factors for Recruitment
✓ Top three recruitment strategies & how to put them to use
✓ How to adopt a program-wide "female friendly" recruitment approach
✓ Communicate the benefits of STEM at each stage of the recruitment process
✓ Effective strategies to involve faculty & staff in your recruiting effort
Females in STEM: Key Factors for Recruitment
✓ Top three recruitment strategies & how to put them to use
✓ How to adopt a program-wide "female friendly" recruitment approach
✓ Communicate the benefits of STEM at each stage of the recruitment process
✓ Effective strategies to involve faculty & staff in your recruiting effort
Gender Diversity in STEM: Boosting Enrollment & Implementing New Culture
✓ Barriers to recruiting women into STEM & how to overcome them
✓ How to identify your target audience for recruitment and low-hanging fruit
✓ Success in STEM: See actionable examples of successful STEM programs
Strategies to Keep STEM Students on Course & Improve Graduation Rates
✓ How to make female students feel welcome and what not to do
✓ Ways to bolster confidence in STEM students to ensure success
✓ Strategies to help your female students be successful in the lab
✓ Building block skills to help close the experience gap
Addressing the STEM Challenge: Appeal to Women Who Aren't Excited by STEM
✓ How faculty can teach to female learning styles
✓ Connecting students with female role models & creating community
✓ An "ah-ha" moment on spatial reasoning - what you need to know
Build a Leadership Team Model for Women in STEM: Strategies for Success
✓ Ways to partner with faculty, administrators, student services & others
✓ No educator is an island: How to work together & boost STEM retention
✓ Top 3 qualities of an effective Leadership Team & how to employ them

“In a year’s time, we had increased female enrollment in our IT & CS Department from 149 to 226 female students, and male enrollment had also increased from 751 to 1009 male students.
Since then, it’s grown organically and blossomed into something that our college just does naturally. I don’t think we would have ever done that if it wasn't for the WomenTech Educators Training.”
Michelle Levine, Interim District Director
of Faculty Development Broward College, FL

“We were able to go from only 1 female student to 15 in an Emerging Technologies course the very next semester after the training. A year later, we awarded almost half of our 43 Video Game Design & Development certificates to women.
In fact, we're one of the programs that actually got off Perkins' Naughty List for not having enough women represented in the program because we were able to start meeting our goals.”
Mark Evans, Program Chair and Instructor, Emerging Technologies, Athens Technical College, GA
I've dedicated my entire career to helping educational institutions experience significant increases in female enrollment and retention.
As the Principal Investigator of 5 National Science Foundation grants, I've worked intensively with schools—boots on the ground—to develop the strategies and systems that help educators enroll up to 25-50% female students in STEM classes.
My NSF-funded CalWomenTech Project was highlighted by the National Science Foundation for demonstrating significant achievement and program effectiveness and chosen as 1 of 3 model projects by the American Association of University Women (AAUW).
After 30+ years of service in the field, I've "cracked the code" and developed an 8 point system for recruitment and a 12 point system for retention that provides significant, measurable results in about one year—not just the hope of eventual change 5-10 years down the road that nobody can measure.
I've developed Recruitment and Retention Plan templates based on my 20 point system that requires you to use the plan elements which have resulted in success for so many of our past WomenTech Educators Training participants. I've even created templated personal encouragement and welcoming conversation guides for you.
I know busy educators don't have time to figure this out all by themselves. That's why I developed rich supplementary online resources that range from examples of women in STEM recruitment videos, to a tested NSF-based spatial reasoning curricula that improves retention.
I love being able to make such a big impact on STEM classrooms around the country, and in turn on the lives of women and girls who have the opportunity to reach their full potential.
Donna Milgram speaks at U.S. Department of Education’s “Moving STEM Forward in Career, Technical, and Adult
Education” Symposium.
Enrollment Open NOW For A Limited Time Only!
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