Learn effective strategies for more female students in STEM/CTE.

We have been providing Online Professional Development since 2011 in the form of 1) Semester Long Training 2) Bootcamps 3) Webinars 4) Large Online Conferences and 5) Virtual Brown Bag Lunches.
Our Online Training produces dramatic results in one - year or less.
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WomenTech Educators Live Online Bootcamps 2025:
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Our college is a numbers-driven organization, so we know that the strategies we tried after the WomenTech Educators Training really made an impact. We now have more women in the program than we thought would be possible.
We were able to go from only 1 female student to 15 in an Emerging Technologies course the very next semester after the training. A year later, we awarded almost half of our 43 Video Game Design & Development certificates to women.
In fact, we're one of the programs that actually got off Perkins' Naughty List for not having enough women represented in the program because we were able to start meeting our goals.
~ Mark Evans, Program Chair and Instructor, Emerging Technologies, Athens Technical College, GA brought a team to a 2015 WomenTech Educators Online Training

The National Institute for Women in Trades, Technology & Science (IWITTS) has been helping educators nationwide close the gender gap for women and girls in technology since 1994. IWITTS provides tools, resources, and professional development for educators to help them broaden female participation in STEM and CTE programs where they are underrepresented.
We have over 70 client testimonials on our website along with 15 Case Studies from schools we've worked with that have had success increasing female enrollment and retention in one year or less.
Interested in learning more?
Copyright © National Institute for Women in Trades, Technology & Science 2025