Information Technology Case Study  

How a Hispanic-Serving Institution Increased Female Enrollment in IT & CS by 77 Women in One Year

Information Technology Case Study

Broward College, FL

Information Technology & Computer Science

"Inclusion is really important to us. Broward College has a very diverse population, but the gender gap is still huge in our industry—IT and CS.

It’s very important to us to make sure that we’re recruiting as many female students into our program as we can. 

The WomenTech Educators Training got us thinking intentionally about who we were going to target for outreach, how we were going to target them, and how we would follow up to make sure we had actual results linked to the different programs and events that we were holding. 

In a year’s time, we had increased female enrollment in our IT & CS Department from 149 to 226 female students and male enrollment had also increased from 751 to 1009 male students. Since then, it has grown organically and blossomed into something that our college just does naturally.”

Michelle Levine

Interim District Director of Faculty Development, Broward College, FL

This multimedia case study includes actual outreach materials and a detailed description of recruitment events and retention strategies. 


The Institute for Women in Trades, Technology & Science (IWITTS) has been helping educators nationwide close the gender gap for women and girls in technology since 1994. IWITTS provides tools, resources, and professional development for educators to help them broaden female participation in STEM and CTE programs where they are underrepresented. To discuss what type of professional development would be the best fit for your school, region or state please. Contact Us

WomenTech Educators Bootcamp

The National Online WomenTech (NOW) Project is funded by The Advanced Technological Education Program from The National Science Foundation - Grant no. 1400531. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

Copyright © National Institute for Women in Trades, Technology & Science 2020