Let's be honest, it's not that easy to find off-the-shelf materials for recruiting and retaining women and girls in STEM and CTE, especially free resources. As a busy educator, you just don't have the time to spend hours doing internet research on classroom activities that will appeal to female learning styles, or on identifying female role models and associations.
That's why we created The WomenTech Classroom eBook that does this research for you. This downloadable guide includes sample curricula and websites that teach STEM in a female-friendly way. The best part is it's an eBook with clickable hotlinks that bring you directly to the websites for these primarily free resources.

The WomenTech Classroom eBook
Individual License: $35
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Item #: EDP010
The WomenTech Classroom eBook Includes Links to Hard-to-Find Resources:
"For a long time, we heard from educators, 'Well, we can't find any girls who WANT to be welders'- but now, there's an increased perception that supporting female students in male-dominated careers is a much
- Free videos with female role models in trades, technology and science careers
- Online resources for finding female role models and e-mentors
- Sample curriculum and tools for teaching to female learning styles
- Websites designed for girls and women interested in trades and technology
- Out-of-school and summer programs for girls in STEM
- Online communities for girls, women and educators in STEM
- How to find gender-segregated occupational data in your state
is a much bigger deal, and there are resources available that can give all students a better ability to explore and pursue their interests. IWITTS materials like the WomenTech Classroom eBook and Outreach Kit are a huge part of the resources we can offer to districts to help them serve their students. It's not just about Perkins compliance anymore."
~ Don Levine, CTE Education Specialist, Alaska Department of Education and Early Development
Examples From The WomenTech Classroom eBook:
Technolochicas is a community created to support Latinas and Hispanic women and girls in pursuing education and careers in computing and technology. Resources provided by this group include promotional videos, profiles of real Latinas pursuing computing, and summer camps offered in various locations around the country.
The Women@Energy series showcases profiles and videos of inspirational women in STEM careers at the Department of Energy. The profiles and videos highlight what inspired these women to work in STEM, what they do in their day-to-day jobs, and ideas for engaging others in STEM.
Alice is free educational software. Its inviting interface and support of storytelling makes computer programming easier to learn and more fun for women and girls. The Alice team has developed textbooks, lessons, sample syllabuses, test banks, and more to support educators.
Math Doesn't Suck
The series of math books and accompanying websites -- including Math Doesn't Suck and Kiss my Math -- by Danica McKellar, the actress who played Winnie Cooper in The Wonder Years, help middle school and high school girls master math by making it fun and cool.
Gender Inclusive Curriculum
Educators can download the Guidelines for the Design of Inclusive Engineering Education Program PDF booklet based on the Gender Inclusive Engineering Book for free. The booklet includes guidelines on benchmarking existing courses, designing an inclusive curriculum, and gives example curricula.
If you liked the resources above you are going to love our WomenTech Classroom eBook, which has over 100 entries AND provides you with information on the school level, program type, and career pathway information for the different resources. Think of how much your time is worth and what it would cost to do this type of searching. Our mission is to help make it as easy as possible for educators to bring female-friendly recruitment and retention techniques to their STEM classrooms. We know you don't have time to create everything from scratch or even to ferret out all these resources, which is why our organization created this eBook, to make it easier for you.
Download The WomenTech Classroom eBook for Your Whole School, District or State:

This eBook could be helpful for every science, technology, engineering and trades educator in your school, or even your district or region. Order a: 1) Individual License; 2) School License; 3) District License; or 4) State License. Simply choose which license you prefer and add to your cart.
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Item #: EDP010
The WomenTech Classroom eBook Table of Contents:
I. Engaging women and girls in STEM education
a. Recruitment and outreach collateral and posters
b. Websites to share with female students and their parents
c. Retention resources for educators teaching women and girls
d. General tools and retention resources for STEM educators
II. Finding female role models in trades, technology & science
a. Women's national and state associations
b. Videos of female role models
III. Social media online communities
a. Online communities for women
b. Online communities for girls
c. Online communities for educators
IV. Out-of-School and summer STEM programs for girls
V. Career support for women in trades, technology & science
a. Websites with career information for women
b. Education, labor market, and salary statistics
Ordering Information:
If you are purchasing The WomenTech Classroom eBook for multiple users, purchase the appropriate license. You can indicate which license you'd like to purchase during checkout or on the print order form. By purchasing this product, you agree to these terms of use. This is a downloadable product. There are no shipping fees.
You will receive instructions on how to download the file after you complete your purchase.
Note: The WomenTech Classroom eBook: A Treasure Trove of Hard-to-Find Women in STEM Resources for Educators was previously published as the STEM Resources for Educators Bibliography. The 2017 edition of The WomenTech Classroom eBook includes 50 new resources and updated entries
Copyright © National Institute for Women in Trades, Technology & Science 2019